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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 5:16 pm
by jeffp
I'm using the code below to draw an IPXC_Page to an IIXC_Page.

Itthen convert the IIXC_Page into a TBitmap in Delphi followed by a TBitmap.SaveTo File and then TBitmap.Free;

So I'm freeing the TBitmap before a go to the next page.

However, looping through the code below for each page in the PDF starts to Bloat my application. It appears that DrawToIXPage is the culprit. The only thing that seems to free all the memory bloat is when I close the IPXC_Document document from which I got the IPXC_Page.

Is there anything that can be done about the memory bloat when using DrawToIXPage?

Code: Select all

function PDF_CreateIXCPageFromPage(APage: IPXC_Page; ASize: Integer; var ADPI: Integer): IIXC_Page;
  AWidth, AHeight: Double;
  W, H: Cardinal;
  ADestRect: tagRECT;
  APageMatrix: PXC_Matrix;
  AFlags: Integer;
  ARenderParams: IPXC_PageRenderParams;
  AOCContext: IPXC_OCContext;
  //Get Page dimensions in Points
  APage.GetDimension(AWidth, AHeight);

  //Make Sure the Image is not Too Big
  if (AHeight > AWidth) then
    if (P2X(AHeight, 100) > 4400) or (P2X(AWidth, 100) > 3400) then ADPI := 100;
  end else
    if (P2X(AWidth, 100) > 4400) or (P2X(AHeight, 100) > 3400) then ADPI := 100;

  //Convert to Pixes
  ADPI := Max(100, ADPI);
  W := Round(P2X(AWidth, ADPI));
  H := Round(P2X(AHeight, ADPI));

  if (ASize <= 0) then ASize := Max(H, W);

  if (H > W) then
    W := Ceil(ASize * (W / H));
    H := ASize;
  end else
    H := Ceil(ASize * (H / W));
    W := ASize;

  with ADestRect do
    Left := 0;
    Top := 0;
    Right := W;
    Bottom := H;

  AFlags := DDF_AsVector;
  ARenderParams := nil;
  AOCContext := nil;
  APageMatrix := PDF_GetPageMatrix(APage, ADestRect);

  INST_IXC.Page_CreateEmpty(W, H, PageFormat_8RGB, 255, Result);   //PageFormat_8RGB, PageFormat_1Indexed
  APage.DrawToIXCPage(Result, ADestRect, APageMatrix, ARenderParams, AOCContext, nil);

Re: DrawToIXCPage

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 11:27 am
by Sasha - Tracker Dev Team
Hello Jeff,

This happens because you don't release the IIXC_Page pointer thus the problem occurs. Please provide us with a small working project so we can see how are you using it and how to release it properly.


Re: DrawToIXCPage

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:25 pm
by jeffp
I do set the IIXC_Page object to nil when I'm done with it. Is there a better way to release it?

APage := nil;


Re: DrawToIXCPage

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:31 pm
by Sasha - Tracker Dev Team
Hello Jeff,

The thing is that Delphi does not have such a good memory management as C++ thus sometimes it may not be that simple. That's why I am asking for a small working project so that we can debug it and find a solution for this case.


Re: DrawToIXCPage

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 6:30 pm
by jeffp
It looks like I have it working pretty good now. The memory seems to increase only to a certain point. After about 80 pages or so it seems to level out so I'm good with that.

By the way, any word on when the next official build will be out. That last one I'm on now was way back in April.


Re: DrawToIXCPage

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 8:04 am
by John - Tracker Supp
Hi Jeff,

Its being tested now - so 7-10 days approx.