Printing content wider than the defined page size causes PDFXchange to cut off content in a way that cannot be detected

PDF-XChange Drivers API (only) V4/V5
This Forum is for the use of Software Developers requiring help and assistance for Tracker Software's PDF-XChange Printer Drivers SDK (only) - VERSION 4 & 5 - Please use the PDF-Tools SDK Forum for Library DLL assistance.

Moderators: TrackerSupp-Daniel, Tracker Support, Vasyl-Tracker Dev Team, Chris - Tracker Supp, Sean - Tracker, Tracker Supp-Stefan

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Printing content wider than the defined page size causes PDFXchange to cut off content in a way that cannot be detected

Post by emerson25 »

Printing the attached Html contained in via PDF EXChange yields a PDF with content cut off (see PrintingOutputWithContentCutoff.PDF). The problem is not that the PDFXchange cuts off the content, but rather that we have no way of detecting that this has occurred via the PDFXchange API. When PDFXchange prints the document, it appears to print whatever fits horizontally into the page and throw away the rest.

How can we properly detect that cut off has occurred for the printed content via your API? (Using OCR is not a preferred option)

Environment Info:

Operating Systems:
• Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
• Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

PDF-Xchange Printer:
• PDF-XChange 5.0

In the case of page 1 for the attached PDF, the following code detects that:
1. The PDF only contains a Media Box and does not contain a Crop Box or Trim Box
2. The pageRect has dimensions of Bottom: 0, Left: 0, Right: 595.2, Top: 841.919
3. The results below show the rightmost coordinate of the detected text elements. Notice that none are greater than the right most coordinate for the page (adjusted for margin).
4. Since no coordinates go off the page, we can’t say that it has any cut off occurred.

element 0: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:26.879, f:801.12 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 55.3330397803783 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 1: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:26.879, f:788.64 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 52.0789998092651 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 2: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:26.879, f:776.160000457764 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 66.4732397003174 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 3: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:139.439, f:776.16 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 451.389557667136 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 4: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:24, f:732.96 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 53.5847197766285 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 5: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:53.519, f:732.96 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 103.432679632157 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 6: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:24, f:720 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 50.3385198062062 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 7: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:50.399, f:720 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 245.35147852432 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 8: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:24, f:707.04 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 39.6725998860597 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 9: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:39.839, f:707.04 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 89.9490796190128 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 10: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:24, f:693.841 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 65.3715196957588 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 11: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:65.759, f:693.841 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 363.907117758945 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 12: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:30.239, f:667.442 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 127.722642072678 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 13: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:182.158, f:667.442 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 217.129550598144 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 14: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:235.437998779297, f:667.442 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 258.056908872604 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 15: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:329.997996337891, f:667.442 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 350.850666501999 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 16: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:383.037, f:667.442 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 548.580021342754 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 17: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:30.2369999999999, f:639.842 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 89.8198625887632 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 18: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:111.356997497559, f:639.84199961853 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 170.66954211998 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 19: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:235.436, f:639.842 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 318.106867652893 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 20: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:383.034998901367, f:639.84199961853 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 433.17413489151 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 21: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:30.2349999999998, f:626.163 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 67.1017235374449 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 22: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:329.993998657226, f:626.163000099182 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 371.158327990532 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 23: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:494.87301171875, f:626.163000099182 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 524.656157512426 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 24: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:182.152999267578, f:612.484000099182 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 224.067194604873 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 25: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:329.993, f:612.484 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 451.753599164963 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 26: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:494.871997802734, f:612.484 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 527.364628513336 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 27: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:558.725 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 70.7866396543233 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 28: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:543.606 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 189.605000077128 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 29: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:522.006 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 118.61392074582 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 30: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:512.407 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 538.6857240085 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 31: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:503.048 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 515.003643845044 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 32: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:493.449 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 544.959204099506 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 33: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:483.85 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 546.720324099928 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 34: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:474.491 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 541.265044062718 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2
element 35: Matrix: a:1, b:0, c:0, d:1, e:23.9929999999998, f:464.892 | Matrix.e + HighestOffset = 430.209323174625 | pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints = 577.2

Code Snippet:

Code: Select all

/*  -- Initialization calls that happen prior to calling DetectTextOffPage 

int pdfHandle = 0;

//once per doc
PxcvErrors.CheckDSReturnCode(PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_Init(out pdfHandle, PdfExchangeApi.REG_KEY, PdfExchangeApi.DEV_CODE));
PxcvErrors.CheckDSReturnCode(PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_ReadDocumentW(pdfHandle, pdfFileName, 0));

// once per page
/// <summary>
/// Iterates through the text elements in the PDF page looking for anything cut off of the right margin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pdfHandle">Initialized handle to the PDF. Expects PXCp_ET_Prepare() having been called.</param>
/// <param name="pageNumber">1-based page number.</param>
/// <param name="etPrepared">Forced to true</param>
/// <param name="dRightMargin">The right margin of the page.</param>
/// <param name="textOffLeft">Ref variable set to true if any coordinates have negative values.</param>
/// <param name="textOffRight">Ref variable set to true if any coordinates exceed the right side of the page.</param>
private void DetectTextOffPage(int pdfHandle, int pageNumber, bool etPrepared, double dRightMargin, ref bool textOffLeft, ref bool textOffRight)
                double rightMatginInPoints = dRightMargin * 72;  // Take right margin into count for text cutoff detection.
                int res = 0;
                if (!etPrepared)
                                // Initialize buffers to 1024 characters to minimize reallocation.
                                int bufferCharacters = 1024;

                                // Get the media box so we know what the right margin is.
                                PxcRectF pageRect = new PxcRectF();
                                res = PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_PageGetBox(pdfHandle, pageNumber - 1, PxcPageBox.TrimBox, out pageRect);
                                if (res == PxcvErrors.PS_ERR_REQUIRED_PROP_NOT_SET_EX)
                                                // TrimBox not set, try CropBox
                                                res = PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_PageGetBox(pdfHandle, pageNumber - 1, PxcPageBox.CropBox, out pageRect);
                                                if (res == PxcvErrors.PS_ERR_REQUIRED_PROP_NOT_SET_EX)
                                                                // CropBox not set, try MediaBox, MediaBox is the paper size, so it is always set.
                                                                res = PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_PageGetBox(pdfHandle, pageNumber - 1, PxcPageBox.MediaBox, out pageRect);
                                res = PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_ET_AnalyzePageContent(pdfHandle, pageNumber - 1);

                                int textElementCount = 0;
                                res = PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_ET_GetElementCount(pdfHandle, out textElementCount);

                                PxcTextElement textElement;
                                textElement.cbSize = 132; // Size of the structure.
                                textElement.Characters = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferCharacters * 4); // two bytes per character, double again for 64 bits
                                textElement.Offsets = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferCharacters * 8); // 4 bytes per double, twice as much for 64 bits
                                _logger.DebugFormat("textElementCount = {0}; textElement.Characters = {1}; textElement.Offsets = {2}",  textElementCount, textElement.Characters.ToString(), textElement.Offsets.ToString());
                                                for (int i = 0; i < textElementCount; i++)
                                                                textElement.Count = 0;
                                                                textElement.Mask = 0;
                                                                res = PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_ET_GetElement(pdfHandle, i, out textElement, 0);

                                                                _logger.DebugFormat("PXCp_ET_GetElement - i = {0}; textElement.Count = {1}", i.ToString(), textElement.Count);

                                                                if (res >= 0 && textElement.Count > 2) // Only check more than one character in the text element.
                                                                                // Reallocate buffers if they're not big enough.
                                                                                if (bufferCharacters < textElement.Count)
                                                                                                bufferCharacters = textElement.Count + 16; // some extra room to try to avoid the memory access violation errors.
                                                                                                textElement.Characters = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferCharacters * 4);
                                                                                                textElement.Offsets = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bufferCharacters * 8);

                                                                                                _logger.DebugFormat("Relocated global memory - textElement.Characters = {0}; textElement.Offsets = {1}",
                                                                                                textElement.Characters.ToString(), textElement.Offsets.ToString());
                                                                                textElement.Mask = (int)PxcTextElementMaskFlags.Text + (int)PxcTextElementMaskFlags.Offsets + (int)PxcTextElementMaskFlags.Matrix;
                                                                                res = PdfExchangeApi.PXCp_ET_GetElement(pdfHandle, i, out textElement, 0);
                                                                                if (res >= 0)
                                                                                                double[] offSets = new double[textElement.Count];
                                                                                                Marshal.Copy(textElement.Offsets, offSets, 0, textElement.Count);
                                                                                                if (!textOffRight && (textElement.Matrix.e + offSets[textElement.Count - 1]) > (pageRect.Right - rightMatginInPoints))
                                                                                                                textOffRight = true;

                                                                                                if (!textOffLeft && (textElement.Matrix.e < (pageRect.Left - (72 * 25)))) // Magic numbers are 25 pixels, converted to points.
                                                                                                                textOffLeft = true;

                                                                                                // short circuit if both set
                                                                                                if (textOffLeft && textOffRight)
                                if (!etPrepared)
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Re: Printing content wider than the defined page size causes PDFXchange to cut off content in a way that cannot be detec

Post by TrackerSupp-Daniel »

Just wanting to post this in here for other users that are Curious about the answer, I'm simply copying some of the email correspondence from the past few days.

No, there are no such way.
And the most important reason is because this method will not be reliable at all – printing application or printing subsystem may crop the content just knowing printer’s paper size, and the printer will never know that content was cropped.
Dan McIntyre - Support Technician
Tracker Software Products (Canada) LTD

Our Web site domain and email address has changed as of 26/10/2023.
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