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Next / Previous comment

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:31 pm
by AndreaCCS
I want to be able to go to the next or previous comment (markup) in the document. I have found the commands 33238 and 33239 but they always say the command is disabled at this time. How can I make them work? If I manually select the first comment then the commands work but as the comment can be on any page this is not a good solution.

Re: Next / Previous comment

Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2018 11:01 am
by Tracker Supp-Stefan
Hello AndreaCCS,

There commands will indeed require a 'starting point' - so you do need to have an annotation selected before you can go to the previous/next one. So you should check if there is an annotation selection, and if there isn't any - apply some other logic (e.g. check which page is currently displayed, if there are annotaitons on it, and if not - get the first annotation on a following page and go to it).
